
Friday, 26 April 2019

Doris B - Instrumentation

It’s a sad fact that almost everything I make gets built at least twice.  I’m trying to figure out what needs to go into the wind turbine’s “power box” and how it’s going to fit, then I’ll rebuild it so it looks less like a building site and use components with appropriate values.

It monitors the rectified output of the generator, the voltage across the load and the current through it.  This allows the power generated and being delivered to the load to be estimated.  A Fourier transform is used to determine the rotational speed.  The original intention was to work with AC output of the generator, but it proved a lot simpler to work with DC throughout the whole system.
The Arduino Nano has exceeded expectations, a previous attempt used op-amps and many other components, however, this time around, the only components used in the instrumentation are resistors for voltage divides and zenor diodes for protection.  voltages from three measurement points are fed to the Nano’s ADC.  After some processing with a couple of blocks of Python code running on a Raspberry Pi, the output looks like this:

Testing is being done using a 47 ohm resistor as a load, this keeps the current low but at the expense of high voltage on the upside of the regulator.  When a battery pack is used as a load, the voltages look a little more sensible.  Still some work to do, but the basic design is in place.
The next task is to determine if pulse width modulation can be used to control the load, if so, if so, it may be possible to optimise performance.  Ideally, I want the rotor to start to turn at 4 m/s, but the high torque of a large load may prevent this.  Maybe if the duty cycle is 0 when the turbine starts, it can be increased as the rotational speed increases.  Also, it can be adjusted to take account of low wind speeds.  All that comes after I’ve soldered the bits together.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Doris B - Power Curve(2)

Progress (and more to learn and some bugs to find).  The Arduino captured a one minute time series of the voltage across a 22 ohm resistor attached to the generator’s output terminals whilst it was hand cranked.  The load on the crank varies during a rotation so there are constant variations in speed and this can be seen in the time-series, the flywheel effect of the wind turbine’s rotor will probably have a smoothing effect.  The circuity between generator and the ADC needs to include a zenor diode to provide some protection for the chip, once that’s in place, the DC biasing can be setup sensibly.  However, the time series was good enough to passed through a Fourier Transform routine which allowed the rotational speed to be estimated.

The speed and voltage data can then be combined into a power curve, the variations in power are due to uneven cranking.  The 22 ohm resistor was chosen because I had one in a box somewhere.  To get peak performance from the generator will require matching the impedance of the load to the impedance of the generator.  The planned load is a USB power pack.

Whilst messing with electronics and Fourier transforms has been instructive, so too has hand cranking the generator, clearly the torque required varies with the value of the resistor, with a 10 ohm resistor the torque required almost pulls the generator of its mounting.
So on the next trip to the beach, I’ll take a bag of resistors and see how they effect the ability of wind to turn the rotor.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Doris B - Power Curve(1)

In order to match the rotor to the generator, it is necessary to understand the behaviour of both. The first step is to grab data, starting with the generator because this can be done on the workbench rather than the beach. Much the same solution can be used for both. Currently, the instrumentation is an Arduino Nano which provides analogue to digital conversion (ADC) and a Raspberry Pi for processing. Electricity and electronics were part of my OND but that was a long time ago, so setting up the tests involved a little vexation, but eventually a Python programme managed to capture a sample of the output of the generator.

Two things became apparent, first the output of the generator is complex and not a simple sine wave, Secondly the starting torque increased significantly from the open circuit value when a resistor was placed across the terminals.

The next step is to analyse the data, the plan is to use a Fourier transform to determine the rotational speed and the area under the curve will provide the energy generated, putting the two together will provide a power curve (I hope). The Ardunio is a brilliant tool and may offer a solution to the high starting torque. If pulse width modulation is applied to the load, the turbine can start with no load and as speed increases the load on it is increased, this in turn could provide a means of optimising performance.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Doris B - First outing

 On Wednesday evening I took Doris B up to Green Ridge and assembled it.  The wind speed was  roughly 5 - 7 m/s.  Whilst held aloft, the rotor was 2.5m above the ground, it turned smoothly and quietly, which was pleasing, an earlier version had struggled to turn at 10 m/s, so progress is being made.  The next step is understand the relationship between the rotor and the generator,  The speed of this type or rotor is proportional to the wind speed and it is important that the rotor turns fast enough for the generator to produce a useful output.  On returning home I ordered some bridge rectifiers and  an Arduino Nano.  The first use of these will be to obtain a power curve for the generator.

My favourite place for messing with this stuff is on the beach at Aldrington, when the wind is from the SW there is little turbulence.  Most of the other people are beach fishermen and we occasionally swap observations on the state of the sea.  There was a curious incident at Green Ridge, a dog walker scooped up his spaniel, carried it over to my rucksack and let the dog have a good sniff, then walked off carrying the dog, I said "good evening" politely.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Doris B - Trial Assembly

10-April-2019 - Completed the partial assembly of the Doris B5/6 small vertical axis wind turbine this morning before giving it a trial outing on the Downs later today. 

The objectives of the initial trials are to determine if it rotates in a wind of 5 m/s and does not disintegrate at 10 m/s. If it survives, the next step will be add some instrumentation and to try and figure out how it works. The design is based on some maths, guesswork and wishful thinking. There have been four previous versions, mostly made of Meccano and sawn up bits of plastic pipe, this one is mainly made of wood. This is not a finished design but part of a process of learning how to make small wind turbines for rural and urban environments, hopefully the design will evolve. The objective for this series is an output of 2.5 watts (similar to a standard USB port) at 5 m/s.