
Sunday, 7 August 2016

The price of house coal

The starting point for this post was some old family accounts which extended, with gaps from the 1920s to the 1940s.  This was augmented by some figures found in the online version of Hansard.  Some local history material provided a human dimension to the numbers.

The graphs should be treated with caution as they are random in both time and location.  House coal can be priced in several ways, my family always discussed it in terms of cost per hundredweight (112 pounds or very roughly 50 kg).  In 1835 it became compulsory to sell coal by weight rather than volume, before that there are references to "chaldrons", this was a volumetric measure which might account for 0.5 - to 1.5 tons.

The economics of coal consumption are complex, at £10/cwt, the energy cost is around 2p/kwh which is lower than for gas or electricity.  However, the "benefit" derived from a kg of coal depends on the efficiency of the device in which it is burnt.  When used in a cooking range, a lot of energy is used just warming up a large lump of iron before the thing is warm enough to boil a kettle for tea.  Early ranges were not insulated, which made them inefficient cooking devices, but a desirable source of warmth in the kitchen, modern solid fuel range cookers are well insulated which minimizes heat loss.  In England, houses were heated with open fires which have a very low efficiency (10 - 20%?) with most of the heat going up the chimney.  From limited research, it seems that the French prefer stoves which use coal more efficiently.

During the 20th century, the overall trend in the "real" price of coal was upwards.  At the end of the 1960s coal began to compete with "North Sea Gas" in the domestic fuel market.  Gas was both cheaper and more convenient than coal and coal's share of the market started to decline.  By the end of the century, coal had become a "niche" product and costs rose as the economies of scale that had been possible faded away.

The retail price of coal has always been subject to wide variations and fluctuations.  In 1795 it was feared that France would invade England and for a time the price of coal was around 55 shillings per chaldron, this would be more than £50/cwt in today's money.  Households purchase coal for the heat it produces when burnt, premium grade Welsh Steam Coal might have a calorific value of more than 30 MJ/kg whilst that of lower grade fuel might be half that. Some of the variation in the price shown on the graphs is due to variation in the grade of coal.

Apart from events in the wider economy, the price of coal was determined by who you were and where you were.  A well-off, well managed household would buy several tons for delivery in large loads during the summer when they would benefit from lower prices.  At the other end of the scale, those on low incomes might have had to buy coal by the stone (14 lb) or lesser quantity and paid a high unit price (there is an analogy here with today's pre-payment meters).   Some coal merchants operated "coal clubs" which allowed fuel costs  to be evenly spread over the year.

Transport was a significant part of the cost of distributing coal from the mines to the consumer, by the late 19th century coal merchants were often clustered around railway goods yards.  The coal merchant was responsible for unloading the trucks, if this was not done within an agreed period, say, three days, the buyer was charged demurrage until the wagon was empty.  In the early part of the century it was not unknown for captains of collier brigs from the Tyne to run their vessels on to the beaches of seaside towns if they thought they could get a better price for their cargo than they would get at a port a few miles down the coast.  If the cargo was discharged at a port, then the buyer would have the cost of transport to the point of use.  There was always a risk that they could be stranded for several days until favourable weather and tide allowed them to re-float.

A wide variety of enterprises were active in the local coal markets, some companies operated across regions, some were local businesses, maybe just a father and son working together with a horse and cart and below them were the barrow boys.  Our family favoured the Co-Op, probably to get the "divi".

A coalman's job was hard and dirty, often it was delivered to the consumer in sacks containing one and a quarter hundredweight (roughly 60 kg).  Large houses would have purpose built coal stores and some town houses had coal cellars which extended under the pavement which could be filled through a hole normally covered by an iron cover.  The difficult ones were small terraces where the coal had to be carried through the house to the scullery, a task which had to completed without upsetting the housewife.

Friday, 5 August 2016

The early days of electricity in Hove (3)

As with previous posts in this series, this one is work in progress and subject to corrections and revisions.

As I mess with this, I realise I am working backwards.  The story starts with an Act of Parliament of 1890 whose objective was to provide electric lighting in Hove, this was to implemented by the Hove Commissioners (what we now call the council), who formed an "electric light committee".  This first met on Saturday, 26-Apr-1890.

At the meeting on Thursday, 11-Dec-1890 a plan was beginning to form.  It was resolved that the best course of action would be to negotiate with a responsible company to erect buildings and plant and to lay mains in order to supply electricity as required.  It seems that they had considered three options, a) the council would take on the construction and operation of the facility which would be financed by a mortgage on the rates, b) the council would provide the plant and get a contractor to operate it and c) get a private company to finance, build and operate, this being the preferred option.  It was felt that this project was not appropriate for a town council.  The first step was to find a suitably qualified electrical engineer to prepare specifications and advise on terms and conditions of a contract with a company as proposed.

Mr. R.E. Crompton was selected for the task at a meeting on 2-Jan-1891.  This was a logical choice, Mr. Crompton had a proven ability with both arc and incandescent lighting and his company Crompton and Co. was a major manufacturer and contractor.

These deliberations were going on against a backdrop of international and local evolutions in the electricity supply industry.  This was the time of the "battle of the currants".  On one side was low voltage DC generation and distribution, in very crude terms there was direct connection between the consumer's appliances and the dynamos at the power station.  These systems worked well for small communities clustered around the power station.  It was opposed by promoters of high voltage AC systems.  In these the AC generated at the power station is stepped up to a high voltage for transmission and stepped down again for distribution to the consumer, the key component is the transformer.  Ultimately, the high voltage AC systems were to triumph.  At the local level the neighbouring Brighton and Hove Electric Light company was seeking to expand.  At this time Brighton had established an electricity supply four years earlier and had experience with both AC and DC systems.

Mr. Crompton drew up his report and this was considered and this was considered on several occasions and on 8-Jun-1891 a decision was made to adopt the low voltage DC option.  It is clear from the minutes that they had discussed the AC alternative, but Mr. Compton recommended the DC route because Hove was a compact borough and there would be no problems with transmission.  It was pointed out that several London boroughs had adopted this solution as had parts of New York and Berlin.  Mr. Compton's report  effectively became basis of the specification which against which bids would be invited and a prospectus for potential shareholders.

The suggested site was bounded on the west by Holland Road with 135 feet of frontage on what is now Davigdor Road.  To the north was a railway goods yard which was home to several coal merchants.  The plan was to have a siding laid so that coal could be delivered by rail.

The plant in the power station was intended to be implemented in phases.  When complete, the main elements were to be:
  • 5 Lancashire boilers rated at 160 p.s.i
  • 3 250 HP Willans dynamo sets
  • 3 100 HP Willans dynamo sets
  • 1 120 cell lead acid accumulator capable of supplying 600 amps for a short period.
Dividing the generating capacity between 100 and 250 HP units suggests that demand was expected to vary during the day.

The plant may have been arranged like this:

The site may have been long and thin making it necessary to use the space efficiently.
The costs for the initial phase with two boilers, three dynamo sets and an accumulator were estimated to be:
  • Plant: £8,297
  • Buildings: £3,000
  • Mains: £12.844
  • Total: £24,141
The cost of the complete scheme was around £50,000.

The public street lighting commitment was for 14 ornamental lampstands along the sea front, each with a 10 amp arc lamp mounted 26 feet above the street which was rated at 2,000 candlepower, the total running costs for 2186 hours were estimated to be £280/year.  Even in 1890, Hove was a sizeable town, so this was not a serious attempt to displace gas lighting.  It seems that the principal objective was to sell electricity to commercial and domestic consumers.  The electricity for these lights was to be supplied at half price, or 4d/unit, the retail price being 8d/unit (more than £1 in today's money).

The report reads like it has been written to promote a scheme, it suggests that after seven years, 400 houses would be supplied with electricity and profits could be £5,000/year.  It is not unknown for prospectuses to over estimate demand, however, in this case, it was an underestimate, after two years of operation, 200 households were connected.

The minutes of the Electric Light committee meeting on 3-Sep-1891 stated that the text of an invitation to bid for the project had been drafted and an agreement to purchase the Holland Road site had been produced together with an application to borrow £1,400.

On 27-Oct-1891, proposals were received from:
  • The Electric Power and Storage Company
  • The Brush Electrical Engineering Company
  • Crompton and Company
  • The Brighton and Hove Electrical Lighting Company
A few days later, a bid from the Planet Electrical Engineering Company was received, as this had been submitted on time, but delivered late, it was considered.

Only the bid from Crompton and Company was considered to meet the requirements of the commissioners and on 11-Feb-1892, a deed of transfer of the undertaking to Compton and Company was approved.